Guaranteed Accredited BBEE Certification process with no hassles
At Cenfed we have access to the necessary expertise for professional advice on matters directly relating to BEE verification. Such advice may be provided externally or by Cenfed’s personnel.
BBBEE Verification
The BBBEE Verification process can be hassle free! BEE has in many cases left some business owners anxious as the terminology isn’t fully understood.
Our Passion
Cenfed has a passionate desire to apply their BEE accreditation to achieve a fair and valid clientele rating with excellence and integrity.
Verification Process
Cenfed Directors, management and employees have been trained extensively to the highest standards required to be able to assist, consult and advise on all industries operating in their field.
We are IRBA Accredited.
We ensure that you are issued with the correct Verification Certificate / Affidavit
With effect from 1 January 2017, only B-BBEE status level certificates Issued by SANAS are valid.
“As taken from Government Gazette 21 July 2017 No 40997 Vol. 625”

IRBA Number: 374172
Practice Number: 954780-0000
Client Testimonial
“I would like to thank all the staff at Cenfed/Chamberlink for their professional and friendly service.
We have dealt with numerous BEE verification agencies and have found that Cenfed has a proper procedure that they stick to. We have never experienced the BEE verification process in this manner before and have come to the realisation that Cenfed are doing it correctly.
Thank you for your patience and advice and the wonderful manner in which Yolandi Storm conducted herself with the on site audit.
We would recommend Cenfed to anyone in need of assistance with their BEE verification.”
Monique Beets – Accounting Clerk
TMF Construction & Electrical CC